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  • Instruction For Authors

Instruction For Authors

Instruction for Authors

Ethical policy

(1) The manuscript should be original, not having been published previously.

(2) A research paper published at a conference or in un-registered literature should be improved and completed to be considered as an original paper.

(3) Authors should submit an Author's Checklist. Submission of the Author's Checklist is considered to denote agreement with the research and publication ethics defined by the Korean Society of Mineral and Energy Resources Engineers.

(4) Author should provide detailed information about the paper to the editor and confirm any ethical issues pertaining to the reproduction of a previously published paper.

(5) For the policies on the research and publication ethics not stated in this instructions, International standards for editors and authors (http://publicationethics.org/international-standards-editors-and-authors) can be applied.


Forms of publication

(1) Submitted manuscripts can be classified as research paper, technical report, discussions, general remarks and reviews

(2) The form of publication should be defined by the author. However, the form of publication can be changed based on the determination of the editorial board.


Peer Review

(1) Every received manuscript is circulated to three peer reviewers. The authors’ names and affiliations are not disclosed to the reviewers during the review process.

(2) The review decision is divided as follows: ‘accept as it is’, ‘minor revision’, ‘major revision’, and ‘reject’.

(3) The finally accepted manuscript will be reviewed by the manuscript editor for consistency of the format and completeness of references.

(4) The manuscript may be revised according to the discretion of the manuscript editor.


Fee for Publication

(1) Authors are charged 30,000 won per page for the first 8 pages and 60,000 won for each additional page.

(2) Authors are charged 60,000 won per page for the first 8 pages and 90,000 won per page for each additional page in the case of an urgent publication. Authors are additional charged 100,000 won for an urgent review.

(3) Fees for publication should be sent to the editorial office.

(4) Authors can receive 30 copies of the published paper with additional fee.


Statement of copyright transfer

(1) When a paper is accepted for publication in the Journal of the Korean Society of Mineral and Energy Resources Engineers, a statement of copyright transfer should be signed by all authors and should be submitted to the editorial office.

(2) Submission of the statement of copyright transfer confirms that all authors follow the research and publication ethics guidelines and that they transfer copyright of the manuscript to Korean Society of Mineral and Energy Resources Engineers.


Manuscript Preparation

  • 1. General Guideline

    (1) Prepare the manuscript preferably using MS Word, or Hangul Word Processer, double-spaced, and on the A4 (210×297mm) page format.

    (2) Manuscripts should be compiled in the follow order: Title, Authors, Affiliation, Abstract, Keywords, Body, Acknowledgement, Reference, Appendix, and (Brief summary of) Author’s career.

    (3) Section titles should be bold with the initial letter of the first word a capital letter. Avoid the use of capital letters in the text when English is used in the text.

    (4) The title should be short and descriptive. Subtitles also can be used when necessary.

    (5) Series of papers on an identical topic and title written by the same authors can not be separately submitted. The serial number using "I" and "II should not be used, neither.

    (6) For Korean manuscripts, the title should be specified in English below the Korean title. For English manuscripts, the title should be presented in Korean below the English title.

    (7) The initial letter of the first word in a title should be a capital letter. Capital letters can also be used for abbreviations or proper nouns.

    (8) The author’s name should be written in Korean as well as in English. The Korean name should appear first and the English name should be placed below the Korean name.

    (9) Abstract of within 450 words in Korean and within 150 words in English are required for all papers submitted. (10) Five keywords or phrases should be given at the end of the abstract in Korean and in English.

  • 2. Figures

    (1) Figures are numbered consecutively in the sequence mentioned in the text. A caption and the number of the figure should be centered below each figure.

    (2) Captions, descriptions, symbols and notation in and on the figure should be written in English.

    (3) Symbols, letters and lines should be clear enough considering a reduction of the figure size.

  • 3. Table

    (1) Titles of tables and content should be written in English.

    (2) Specify the title and table number in the order of citation and align the top-left of the table.

  • 4. Colors

    (1) The Journal has no free colour pages within its annual page allowance.

    (2) Authors of accepted papers who propose publishing figures in color in the print version should consult the editorial office to agree a financial contribution to color reproduction costs.

  • 5. References

    (1) References should be written in English. If references do not exist in English, the original language can be written. All references cited in the text must appear in the reference section, and all items in this section should be cited in the text.

    (2) Citations in the text should follow the style shown in the example below.

    【Example】 (Hong, 2010) ... Hong(2010)... (Hong, 2010a; 2010b)

    (3) For article citations with two authors in the text, put "and" between each author's last name, then a comma, then the year of publication. For articles with more than three authors, put ‘et al., ’ after the first author’s last name, then a comma, then the year of publication.

    【Example】 (Hong and Kim, 2007) (Hong et al., 2005)

    (4) References should be listed in the order of Alphabet. Recent articles shoul appear after the same author. Article with coauthor should be followed next.

    (5) References should be listed clearly following the style shown in the examples below.

    a) Journal paper: Author, Year of publication, Title of paper, Journal Name, Volume, Issue, Pages.

    【Example】 Hong, K.D. and Kim, C.S., 1996. A Research on the development of natural resources. J. Mineral and Energy Resources, 28(1), 1-10.

    b) Book: Author, Year of publication, Book name, edition, Publisher, Location, Pages.

    【Example】 Hong, K.D., Park, J.W., and Choe, A.D., 2000. Energy Resource, (5th Ed.), Vol. 2, Korea Press, Seoul, Korea, 352p. (or p.213-215)

    c) Conference Proceedings: Authors, Year of publication, Title of paper, Conference Name, Venue, Pages.

    【Example】 Hong, K.D. and Lee, Y.H., 1999. Study on resource engineering curriculum, Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on Energy Resources, AIME, Houston, Texas, p.20-29.

    d) Thesis: Author, Year of publication, Title of Thesis, Degree, University, location, Pages.

    【Example】 Kim, C.S., 1985. A Comparison of Reference Style in Journals, MS Thesis, Resource University, USA. 134p. (or p.100-105)

  • 6. Unit and Math

    (1) The international system (SI) of units, prefixes, and symbols should be used for all physical quantities.

    (2) Equations should be written with equation editor.

Manuscript submission

(1) Manuscripts should be submitted via the online Manuscript Central Website (submission.jksmer.or.kr)

(2) Electronic submissions should be sent as email attachments using a standard word processing program. If email submission is not possible, please send an electronic version on disk.

(3) For more information, other correspondences can be sent by an e-mail to the Editor-in-Chief (Jong-Se Lim, +82-51-410-4682, jslim@kmou.ac.kr) or the office of the Korean Society of Mineral and Energy Resources Engineers (+82-2-566-9477, journal2@ksmer.or.kr)